In Moscow, an extensive network of surveillance cameras will be used to determine the places of residence of conscripts. This was announced by the military commissar of Moscow, Colonel Maxim Loktev.

"To determine the place of residence of the conscript, the city of Moscow's surveillance systems are used, by the direction of the mayor of Moscow, organizations where conscripts work provide information about them to the military commissariats. Educational organizations help us determine where the conscript is studying", - Loktev reported.

The main reason for the absentee of the conscript in the military registration and enlistment office is living not at the place of registration, and the new system should eliminate this gap at least in the capital. According to Loktev, this issue receives a lot of attention with the support of the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and the main administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the capital. 

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