The demographic situation in Russia is characterized by a natural decrease in population. At the same time, the birth rate is not high enough, experts of the Institute of Research and Expertise of VEB note. 


Analysts believe that the growth of the birth rate depends on support from the state. They suggest introducing a progressive scale of maternity capital with indexation of payments for each child. 

The institute believes that it is necessary to differentiate the amount of maternity capital depending on the region where the family lives. For example, residents of the Far North and territories equated to it receive a northern coefficient. A similar coefficient can be applied to payments for newborns. 

Experts believe that it is possible to change the attitude of Russians to having many children if a car is given to families when the fourth child is born. VEB is calling on company leaders to promote fertility. Financial support for such families is very important, analysts are sure. For example, GK "Delo", which pays employees 1 million rubles for the birth of a third child.

Previously, a bill was submitted to the State Duma, which provides for the issuance to Russian families of a certificate for the purchase of a domestic car. The denomination of such a certificate is proposed to be set at 1 million rubles.

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