The “Luna-25” mission was prepared for too long, it is related to irregular financing. This was announced by the head of the state corporation “Roscosmos” Yuri Borisov.

"Luna-25" was being created for 16 years, which is unacceptably long
Yuri Borisov

According to him, similar-scale projects should be developed in 5-7 years. Borisov considers these terms more scrutinizable, there is no need to protract them.

The head of Roscosmos noted that more than one generation of developers worked on "Luna-25". Despite the failure of "Luna-25", the Russian authorities promised to continue financing the lunar program.

The next Russian lunar mission began on August 11, 2023. The apparatus "Luna-25" was launched to the natural satellite of the Earth from the Vostochny cosmodrome. Before approaching the Moon, it was already able to capture its surface. Then the connection with the apparatus was lost, after which it crashed into the celestial body. 

The investigation of the incident was carried out by a special commission. According to the results of its work, it became known that the accident was caused by an accelerometer block in the BIUS-L device, due to which the on-board management complex stopped functioning normally.

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