Russia has frozen the development of a new anti-ship missile "Zmevik"

Work on the promising project is suspended for an indefinite period

Russia is suspending the creation of a new ballistic anti-ship missile (ASM) "Zmevik" with hypersonic armament for an indefinite period. This is reported by the military "Weekly ZVEZDA".

Launch of the ballistic anti-ship missile.

According to the publication, citing a source in the defense industry complex, all efforts of manufacturers and designers are now directed at "improving all that missile weaponry that is already in flight", and optimizing existing programs and series.

"Zmevik", although having its advantages in perspective, hasn’t yet become a serial hypersonic missile, like, for example, "Zircon": "Zircons" are mounted on all Russian frigates and corvettes that are under construction and new. Or the “Kinzhal” missile, which was first tested in 2023 by the supersonic Su-34, is being installed on all bombers.

The development of "Zmevik" became known in 2022. The missile was intended to hit large enemy surface targets, including individual aircraft carriers and aircraft carrier groups.

At the same time, it was not noted who is the developer of the promising ballistic anti-ship missile. The approximate characteristics of its future hypersonic armament were also not named.

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