At the "Moskvich" factory, they have moved on to a new stage of car localization

The "Moskvich" factory has begun independent welding of car bodies

The capital's factory "Moskvich" continues to increase the pace of localization of car production. The employees have begun welding bodies. This was told by the commercial director of "Moskvich" Alexander Migal.


According to him, the factory is working according to the plan: the "ERA-GLONASS" system has been localized, as well as the production of technological fluids. A new robotic system was installed for welding work, which performed welding on test bodies.

The equipment is being adjusted. In the near future, it is planned to start painting cars

Alexander Migal

It is expected that in 2024, the professionals will begin small-parts assembly. The level of localization will also increase due to cooperation with Russian suppliers of components, including brake systems, body parts.

The management of "Moskvich" aims to produce its own electric car. Moscow should become the center of Russian electric car production concluded Migal.

In early October, online sales of "Moskvich" cars started. The capital's brand cars are offered for sale on the Ozon online platform.

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