Smart helmet Atom 4.0 for enterprises and industries developed in Russia

It will help identify whether an employee complies safety regulations and working hours, and in case of emergency, it will facilitate the work of rescuers

The Russian company Proteqta has announced a new development in the form of a line of Atom 4.0 smart helmets with an intelligent module and a high-speed processor.

The helmet is already being successfully used in pilot mode by more than twenty large enterprises nationwide, making the mining, marine, and gas industries safer.

Atom 4.0 consists of a helmet with two modules, charged using wireless technology: a Bluetooth module for indoor use, a GPS/GLONASS module for outdoor use.

The system also includes a base station with a LoRaWAN data transmission protocol on Russian and European communication frequencies, which can transmit data over 20 km, and an analytical server from where data are sent to the control centre.

When an employee puts on the Atom 4.0 helmet, sensors for humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, smoke, lighting, and door opening are activated. The helmet will "tell" the dispatcher whether the employee has worn any other personal protective equipment besides the helmet, how long they have worn it and whether they have entered the work area without it, risking safety.

It will transmit real-time data about the worker's location during the shift to the dispatcher and whether they are breaking any labor laws. This makes it easier for companies to avoid potential accidents and deal with safety and labor law violators ahead of time, before their actions lead to an accident. In 2022, there were 21 thousand such cases in Russia, and each negatively affected the company.

If an employee falls somewhere, receives a blow or other injury, or remains motionless for a long time, the helmet will send a signal to the dispatcher. The employee can also send an emergency call through the panic button.

If there is an emergency at the enterprise, it is possible to quickly announce evacuation to the team through the internal communication system in the helmets. Finding employees under rubble with Atom 4.0 will also be much easier for rescuers: the helmet can work autonomously and send signals for up to five days.

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