"Milky Way" will get 65 telescopes and a space segment

Roscosmos told details about the orbit monitoring system "Milky Way"

The domestic monitoring system "Milky Way" can perform up to 15 million measurements of Earth's orbit per day in search of space debris, said the head of the state corporation "Roscosmos" Yuri Borisov.


According to him, the system will be able to provide high reliability of information about the presence of artificial objects in space thanks to 65 telescopes and a space segment. Borisov added that the 'Milky Way' is a global project, other countries can participate in it. 

Roscosmos clarified that the countries that join the project will receive data to ensure the safety of their space groups.

According to information from AO "TsNIIMash", the cost of creating the "Milky Way" is estimated at 2 billion dollars. The project is planned to be implemented by 2035.

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