Russia is not lagging behind Israel, Great Britain and the USA: a domestic laser cannon for fighting drones has been tested

The new stage of anti-drone defense

As RIA "News" reports with reference to an informed source, in Russia at the range successfully tested a laser gun for fighting drones.

At one of the Russian military tests ranges, successful tests of a combat laser, designed to destroy unmanned aerial vehicles, were conducted. The laser gun demonstrated high efficiency in defeating UAVs in the close zone.

Source RIA "News"

The informant added: "the battle laser of the infrared spectrum provided physical damage to drones, in particular, burning through the aerodynamic surfaces of the devices or burning their hull along with the onboard equipment".

Now many countries are testing laser weapons to combat aircraft. Thus, the American company Lockheed Martin has developed for the US ground units a prototype mobile laser combat system ADAM, which is supposed to hit air targets at a distance of up to 2 kilometers. A similar system was created by the Boeing Corporation.

In Britain, as early as last year within the Laser Directed Energy Programme, successful tests of laser weapons against air and sea targets were conducted.

Israel has already begun to implement laser air defenses, designed to supplement the Iron Dome system. Such systems can destroy tactical ballistic missiles like the Tochka-U and Iskander, in service with Syria and Yemen.

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