«Roscosmos» published the first high-quality image of the lunar surface, made by the automatic station «Luna-25». The probe captured the far side of the moon using the television cameras of the STC-L complex.

The image features the south polar crater Zeeman on the far side of the moon. The coordinates of the crater centre correspond to 75 degrees of south latitude and 135 degrees of west longitude.


The state corporation noted that the Zeeman crater is a unique object: the ridge surrounding it reaches eight kilometres above the surface relative to the flat bottom.

The obtained images significantly supplement the current information about this crater.


In addition, «Luna-25» measured gamma-ray and neutron flows from the moon’s surface. Parameters of near-moon cosmic plasma and dust exosphere in near-moon orbit were also obtained.

Recall that the landing of «Luna-25» is due to happen very soon - on August 21.

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