New communication systems will increase the speed of Russian missile strikes

Increasing data volumes and speeding up their transfer to missile systems will ultimately speed up troop response

As reported by RIA "News" with reference to an informed source, new communication systems are being created for the Russian missile forces, which will increase the speed of Russian missile strikes.

Shortwave communication lines have been developed for the Russian forces, which will allow much faster uploading of flight tasks to mobile missile systems of various purposes due to the increased data transfer volume per unit of time. This will accelerate the troops' response to enemy actions and allow more prompt strikes on identified targets or react to the unfolding situation on the theater of military operations.

Source RIA "News"

Military expert Denis Fedutinov explained that shortwave communication (SW) duplicates satellite and cable communication lines. The expansion of the signal band of the SW allows to achieve higher speeds with the same equipment.

Increasing the data transfer rate in the HF range is also necessary because the introduced combat control systems require greater channel bandwidth.

Denis Fedutinov

The "Rostec" holding company "Roselectronics" is already developing a new radio line "Saturn", which will allow to increase the data transfer rate in the HF range eight times without increasing the amount of radio equipment.

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