'RosElectronika' will present at the Russia-Africa summit the latest solutions to combat drones - 'Pischal-Pro' and 'Kupol'

They will be able to protect both from reconnaissance and strike drones

At the exhibition that accompanies the Russia-Africa summit, Rostech's RosElectronika holding will present its latest solutions for combating drones.

Thus, a portable complex called 'Pischal-Pro' developed by the 'Automatica' concern (a part of 'RosElectronika') will be demonstrated, which can suppress communication channels, control and navigation of drones. It is effective against reconnaissance drones, electronic warfare drones and kamikaze drones. The action radius of the 'Pischal-Pro' is over 2 km, and the weight of the complex does not exceed 4.5 kg. Engineers are already working on an improved version of the complex - it will be able to suppress drones controlled by satellite navigation systems.

The 'Kupol' complex allows creating a hemisphere over the protected object, which is 'impenetrable' for drones. It operates in 10 frequency bands simultaneously, can block drone control, navigation, and data transmission within a radius of more than 2 km.

The presented products can be used to protect the airspace of critically important objects. Recently, there has been an increased demand for our complexes; many requests are received for their manufacture from both large industrial enterprises and private firms, as well as state structures. There is stable interest from foreign customers who have had a sad experience with products purchased from dishonest suppliers.

Head of the direction for creating drone fighting complexes of the 'Automatica' concern Dmitry Burya
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