Satellite hosting launched in Russia

Communication with the satellite established at 436.26 MHz frequency

Well-known Russian hosting provider RuVDS announced that a satellite server has started working in orbit.

The satellite server of the RuVDS company has demonstrated the possibilities of hosting from orbit for the first time in history. Despite the unforeseen situation when leaving the launch container and damage to the disk array, the spacecraft's system reproduced a backup version of the HTML page. Anyone can familiarize themselves with its content via a special portal.


The scheme for launching this microsatellite server into orbit looks interesting. So, first, the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle delivered the StratoSat TK-1 nanosatellite with an integrated launch container to orbit, and with its help 6 picoclass satellite platforms of the TinySat format were launched. These are four devices of the TinySat 1TU format with one side of 5 cm and two more satellites of the TinySat 2TU format with sides of 5 x 5 x 10 cm.

Originally, we planned to host a heavier HTML page, but technical problems that arose already in orbit led us to its reduction to a more primitive form, although, I note, this is still a site.

Founder and CEO of RuVDS Nikita Tsaplin

RuVDS reported that communication with the satellite was established at a frequency of 436.26 MHz.

On Earth, we work according to the high standard of reliability of equipment and infrastructure Tier III, and in a space project we paid special attention to the issues of ensuring uninterrupted access. Therefore, a backup system was provided in the device, which, as we see, worked perfectly. The satellite continues to perform its functions, and all the further plans of the company, including the educational direction, will be implemented.

Founder and CEO of RuVDS Nikita Tsaplin
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