The Future Technologies Forum has ended in Moscow: summary

The event was attended by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin

Today in Moscow, the Future Technologies Forum has ended. This year it was held under the slogan "Ahead of time", and the theme of the event was quantum technologies.

This year's Forum was the first, opening a series of annual events. The importance of the event is evidenced by the visit of Vladimir Putin. "Our principal task is to translate the entire economy to a new level based on big data," he noted in his speech at the plenary session of the Forum. The President of Russia proposed to prepare a new national project on the formation of the data economy within a year.

In essence, we are talking about a system-forming infrastructure for our further development, for the future of our economy as a whole. And it is obvious that dependence in this area means serious threats to national security, weakening, and even loss of sovereignty of the country.

Vladimir Putin

The head of state was presented with advanced developments in the field of quantum computations. For example, he was shown the most powerful 16-qubit quantum computer on ions in the country. At "Russian Railways", they talked about the construction of a main quantum network.

The Association "Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence" reported a new direction of work on the application of quantum technologies in the field of artificial intelligence. Moscow announced at the Forum the creation of a quantum cluster in "Skolkovo" by the end of 2024, and an agreement between the Russian Quantum Center and VK will accelerate the development of quantum computing in the cloud.

The International Scientific Conference ICQT 2023, which opened the Forum, gathered scientists from Russia, India, Brazil, China, France, Sweden, Belarus, Germany, and Australia. A series of discussions dedicated to the implementation of joint projects took place. In particular, scientists talked about the Russian-Chinese experiment on testing quantum space communication.

According to experts, the widespread practical use of quantum computing could begin as early as 2025, and by 2030, non-quantum technological leadership will become impossible.

Leading countries actively invest in quantum technologies, understanding the need to ensure national security and move to new economic models. Today, the most important task for us is to increase internal competencies and launch pilot implementations of quantum solutions. The Forum showed the readiness of the state, society, and business to jointly counter external threats, create and implement breakthrough technologies

Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the Forum Anton Kobyakov

As part of the Forum, the first National Science Prize "Challenge" was launched: an annual award and a significant cash prize will be awarded to Russian scientists, engineers, inventors whose developments have significant potential and have a horizon of practical implementation of 3-10 years.

The Future Technologies Forum was visited by more than 1400 people from more than 80 Russian and foreign educational and research institutions and 250 media representatives. The event was organized by the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Co-organizers: "Russian Railways" and "Rosatom". Title partners: Government of Moscow and "Gazprombank". The general partner of the Forum is "Sberbank". The organizer of the ICQT 2023 scientific conference is the Russian Quantum Center. Information partners of the event were the resources and

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