Expert Explains Why Quantum Computers Are Called "Atomic Bomb" of 21st Century and Why We Shouldn't Fear Them

Senior Researcher at the Russian Quantum Center Dmitry Chermoshentsev explained that a quantum computer will be able to solve a wide range of tasks in many areas - from food delivery to healthcare.

Vladimir Putin, at the Future Technologies Forum was presented with a new kind of computing device - a 16-qubit ion-based quantum computer. However, at the end of 2023, another model - a 20-qubit one - might be presented. Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy CEO of the state corporation Rosatom, announced this. 

A qubit is the smallest unit of information in a quantum computer. Since 2020, under the supervision of Rosatom, a roadmap in the high-tech area of "Quantum Computing" has been implemented in Russia. In a conversation with the publication, senior researcher at the Russian Quantum Center, Dmitry Chermoshentsev, explained that a quantum computer will help solve a wide range of tasks in many fields - from food delivery to healthcare. 

Dmitriy Chermoshentsev

"There are such tasks that we have to solve, but there are enough resources of traditional computers available to solve it. Even if we combine our mobile phones, TVs, and computers into one superpowerful device, these problems would still remain unsolvable. Some of these tasks can be solved using new technologies called "qubits". Quantum computers will help solve such complex problems that traditional devices cannot solve. For example, to speed up food delivery or to relieve the roads in the city, to improve the system of recommendations on investment. Of course, one of the current tasks that a quantum computer will solve is the modelling of biological molecules - for example, protein molecules. This is a very important task that will allow us to develop new drug compounds and find new medicines in the future", explains Dmitry Chermoshentsev.

According to the scientist, the implementation of quantum computers into everyday life for the solutions of business and government tasks is possible within the next 4-5 years. It is quite possible that within 10 years, quantum computers will possess such power as to be used universally. 

The prospect highly depends on the type of task. In some tasks, we are already integrating quantum technologies to solve small problems that allow us to practice this technology. We expect that within the next 5-10 years, quantum computers will receive enough power to solve industrial tasks. Before the systematic and large-scale implementation of the quantum computer into industry, we need to wait a bit - around 4-5 years

Dmitriy Chermoshentsev

At the same time, Dmitry Chermoshentsev clarified that along with the development of quantum technologies, there should be a correct system of their regulation. Indeed, the prospects for the use of quantum computers are surrounded by myths. This technology is even being called the "atomic bomb" of the 21st century. However, the expert called not to be afraid, but, on the contrary, to go to meet knowledge and learn to use the power of quantum technologies.

The project to create a quantum computer is somewhat similar to the atomic project of the 20th century. But the cause for fear might be different: it can decrypt data. This carries some threat. But scientists are working on creating protection systems against hacking, a quantum and post-quantum cryptography system. There's no need to worry. On the contrary, one should strive for knowledge and use the power of new technologies in a good way

Dmitriy Chermoshentsev

The question of a quantum future was discussed at the Future Technologies Forum, the central theme of which was the quantum world. Scientists from leading universities and research centers gathered at the forum to discuss Russia's technological and quantum future. The forum was organized by the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

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