Russian lunar program on the start: the automatic lunar probe «Luna-25» has been delivered to Vostochny, it is scheduled to be launched on August 11

It will explore the south pole of the moon

«Roscosmos» reported that the first lunar probe in modern Russia's history, «Luna-25», has arrived at the «Vostochny» cosmodrome. It is expected to undergo final tests before the launch, scheduled for August 11.

"On July 10, the station was sent from the enterprise to the cosmodrome, where it was delivered today by air and vehicle transport. Before sending, «Luna-25» passed acceptance tests and acceptance tests. On Vostochny, the station will undergo pre-flight preparation, final ground tests, and docking with the booster block «Fregat", — reported in "Roscosmos"

"The main task of the mission is to work out basic landing technologies in the near-polar region and to conduct contact research of the lunar south pole", — added in the state corporation.

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