At the exhibition «Innoprom-2023», which is currently taking place in Yekaterinburg, the Kazakhstani company OTRI has presented a device capable of relieving stress within a few seconds – neuro-headphones.

A delegation from Kazakhstan introduced a new gadget at the "Innoprom-2023" exhibition that can relieve stress in a few seconds and induce a state similar to alcoholic intoxication. To feel it, one needs to put on the neuro-headphones, which, using a special wave, influence the human nervous system, the developer and director of the OTRI company, Kanat Nurmubekov, told TASS on Monday.

These are neuro-headphones for relaxation rooms. Currently, there's a major problem with free time, people don't have time to relax, so we've received many requests for such a gadget for quick relaxation. They act on the vagus nerve, which is connected with the entire nervous system and vestibular apparatus, as a result, the person relaxes
Director of the company OTRI Kanat Nurmubekov

The headphones are already on sale in Kazakhstan, but the price is quite impressive – 2 thousand dollars. Now experts are conducting a study at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov to represent the neuro-headphones as a medical device.

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