At the 'Innoprom-2023' exhibition, which opened today in Yekaterinburg, the first domestic pneumatic loom was presented. This was reported by the head of Chuvashia, Oleg Nikolaev.

"The loom we promised to the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin, during his visit to the Chuvash Republic [in 2020], is made, a pilot sample has been prepared, which is undergoing factory tests, it is presented at the 'Innoprom - 2023' exhibition. This is the first domestic pneumatic loom - the result of three years of research and development," said Oleg Nikolaev. He added that serial production will start in 2024, it will be produced by the 'Textilmash' factory.

"It [the loom] is based on the technology of laying the weft thread with a jet of air - it is considered the most demanded type of loom for production of household light fabrics due to its high productivity", added Nikolaev.

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