From August 1st, recycling fees are increasing in Russia

And they are significantly increasing

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has announced an increase in recycling fees from August 1st. For passenger cars, the fee will be indexed 1.7-3.7 times (depending on engine capacity), for LCV-class vehicles - 2.5-3.4 times, for trucks - 1.7 times, for buses - 2.2-4.8 times, for electric buses - 8.7 times. New rates will apply to all cars imported into Russia - both new and used. The only exception - indexing does not affect electric cars.

Recycling fees are paid for all cars - both imported into the Russian Federation and produced in the country. However, local car manufacturers, who have signed special investment contracts (SPICs), receive recycling compensation (depending on the degree of localization). In addition, domestic car manufacturers who have signed SPICs may be granted a deferment on the payment of the recycling fee. Such a measure, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, should help car manufacturers solve the problem of a shortage of working capital.

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