The resource "AvtoStat" polled experts, in one way or another related to electric vehicles, on the subject of the lifespan of an electric vehicle in Russia. It turned out, there is not much to worry about - traction battery should last at least 8-10 years, and the engine is almost eternal.

"The service life of battery packs for electric vehicles averages 8-10 years of operation, but it can be more. Certainly, different factors affect the lifespan of the battery. In particular, increased mechanical loads, operation in extreme conditions, as well as sharp temperature variations", - said the Director of the Distribution and Dealer Network Department Evolute, Alexey Ledkov.

He reported that the battery doesn't require any maintenance, and the first signs of aging appear no earlier than three years, when the capacity may decrease by a nominal 10-15%. But they change the traction battery under warranty later if the capacity level of the accumulator falls below 60%.

"During charging, modern chargers show how many kW-h are pumped into the electric car - from this figure it is quite easy to understand how live the battery is. And, of course, a decrease in the range on a single charge is a very obvious and simple factor. However, this does not mean that the other parts and assemblies of the electric vehicle have also worn out their resource. I would even say that some units will fail earlier than the battery, for example, brake pads, suspension, climate control system, and other trivia. The motor will definitely not break down, according to statistics, major units in electric vehicles do not break", - said the CEO of the company "Energy Element" Alexander Loginov.

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