'Rostec' corporation and its subsidiary 'Roselectronica' reported on the creation of a domestic DVB-T2 antenna for marine vessels and stationary coastal infrastructure objects. Mass production is planned to be set up by the end of 2023.

Reception antenna of digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 for marine vessels
Reception antenna of digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 for marine vessels

The antenna was created by the engineers of the 'Neptune' Research Institute (part of 'Roselectronica'). The development is based on a discone antenna and a transistor low-noise amplifier. The novelty has surpassed foreign counterparts in terms of broadband, wind resistance and material consumption.

'The use of modern computer technologies of electrodynamics modeling in the design of ultra-high frequency devices allowed our engineers to create a domestic television antenna for marine use, no inferior to foreign samples. The relevance of the development is dictated by Western sanctions, the absence of domestic counterparts, and is aimed at ensuring the technological sovereignty of our country', - said the acting Director General of the 'Neptune' Research Institute, Sergey Pomazunov.

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