Ministry of Transport of Russia has created a digital platform that will allow civilian drones to be integrated into a unified airspace system.

Consumer drone DJI Mavic 3 Pro
Consumer drone DJI Mavic 3 Pro

"Following the meeting under your chairmanship on April 27, we created two digital platforms. The first platform allows for tracking data of unmanned vessels with a maximum takeoff mass from 150 g to 30 kg. And the second platform - allows drones to access airspace: submission of flight plans based on the 'one window' principle to the Federal Air Traffic Management Corporation and determining the launching and landing site with the help of a digital aeronautical map", – said Head of the Ministry of Transport Vitaliy Savelyev.

Recall that during the meeting in April, Vladimir Putin instructed Vitaliy Savelyev to present a proposal for the digitization of air traffic in Russia with an emphasis on unmanned devices.

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