Russia is working on its own wide-body long-range aircraft. It may take to the skies by 2030.

The Zhukovsky Institute is working on the creation of the liner's image.

Russia has been working with China on the CRC929 project - a wide-fuselage, long-range aircraft for several years, but it turns out that Russia is also working on its own long-range liner, and it may appear by 2030. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov.


According to him, the Zhukovsky Institute is engaged in the study of new technologies and the definition of the liner's image.

A long-haul aircraft of Russian production will be able to take off within the current decade. "Perhaps in the period 2028-2030, but certainly not earlier," said Denis Manturov.

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade also spoke about the work on the CRC929: "Work was carried out with our partners from the People's Republic of China on a wide-body long-haul aircraft. Taking into account all inputs from Western countries, changes will be made to our bilateral project. The inputs are the desire of the Chinese to involve foreign partners in the creation of the liner not only from Russia, so Russia may reduce its participation in the project.

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