The launch of the first-ever contemporary Russian lunar mission is scheduled for August 11, 2023

On this day, the automatic station "Luna-25" should head to Earth's natural satellite

The launch of the automatic probe "Luna-25" as part of the first ever newest lunar mission in Russia's history is scheduled for August 11 of this year. Such data are contained on the RocketTrip tour operator's website in the section about the tour to the Vostochny cosmodrome for the start of "Luna-25". Please remind that earlier "Roscosmos" announced that the launch of the lunar mission is postponed from July to August 2023.

"Luna-25" is an automatic probe for research in the area of the moon's south pole (the planned landing site is not far from the Boguslavsky crater). The launch of the mission was planned as early as 2022, however, the Rostec laser rangefinder, necessary for a soft landing, let down. It did not fully meet the technical specifications for accuracy, so the device had to be modified.

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