Yandex told the "Durow's Code" about the innovations of the neural network YandexGPT: it has learned to keep track of the thread of conversation, can remember the course of conversation, answer clarifying questions and store the history of correspondence.

"At the user's request Alice can give advice, act as a business partner or co-author. For example, you can discuss a business plan, compare all the pros and cons of buying a car, or prepare for a interview. She will brainstorm slogans, startup ideas and dozens of post options for different audiences", - told in Yandex.

The company noted that maintaining context is a technically very complex task, as the neural network must understand when it is worth taking into account previous remarks and when not.

"For this it was trained on exemplary examples of anonymized dialogues. In less than three weeks users asked Alice tens of thousands of questions requiring contextual response, and AI trainers taught the model to give the most relevant response to such requests. The Yandex team also used dialogues from the open source dataset Open Assistant", - reported in "Yandex".

It should be reminded that the neural network YandexGPT with Alice is available in the "Yandex" app, in the "Browser", "Stations", on TVs with "Alice" and on the main search page (

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