Against the backdrop of sanctions, Russia has increased the production of machines, but more are still needed to cover the deficit

To this end, Russia plans to relaunch a federal project to develop the machine-tool industry

In Russia, the production of means of production - machines is growing. Thus, according to Rosstat, 704 metal-cutting machines were manufactured in March (6.1% more than in March 2022) and 1.3 thousand forging and pressing machines (42.3% more compared to the same period last year). The production of work replaceable tools for machines and hand tools has slightly increased (by 0.3%).

Last year, against the background of sanctions, major machine manufacturers from Japan, the USA, and Europe left Russia, although the import of machines from China did not stop: in 2022, more than 91% of import supplies accounted for products from China.

To solve the problem of production tools deficit, Russian authorities plan to relaunch the federal project for the development of machine-tool industry. “Our goal is to establish our own production of all necessary equipment, tools, and components that are not inferior to global samples, ” said Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

"Today, the industry [machine building] is in unique conditions in terms of attention that the state has paid through the mechanism of forming a federal project," said Georgy Samodurov, president of the Machine Tool Association. According to him, «Such a large-scale attention throughout the entire previous history, the industry had not experienced before."

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