'Roscosmos' has delivered a new satellite to the 'Vostochny' cosmodrome. 'Meteor-M' № 2-3 received a radar complex based on an active phased array

The satellite will participate in the search and rescue system 'Cospas-Sarsat'

The state corporation 'Roscosmos' reported the delivery to the 'Vostochny' cosmodrome satellite 'Meteor-M' № 2-3. It is intended for the study of natural resources of the Earth, control of the heliogeophysical situation. Also, it is equipped with the apparatus of the search and rescue system 'Cospas-Sarsat'.

Compared to 'Meteor-M' № 2-2, the new satellite is equipped with an onboard radar complex based on an active phased array and heliogeophysical instruments (SWR meter and RF mass spectrometer). This will provide all-weather radar monitoring of the Northern Sea Route and expand the nomenclature of controlled heliogeophysical parameters’, - reports 'Roscosmos'.

'Meteor-M' № 2-3 is planned to be launched on the 'Soyuz-2.1b' rocket with the 'Fregat' boost unit.

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