Since last year, Russians have been having major problems with how to get to Europe by plane. In most cases, it was necessary to fly to Turkey. But soon, a shorter route will appear. After the restoration of air communication between Russia and Georgia, Georgian Airways, through its President Tamaz Gaiaishvili, announced that it would begin to carry out transit flights from Moscow to European countries through Tbilisi.

Photo: Georgian Airways
Photo: Georgian Airways

"The flights appeared with the opening [of air communication with Russia]. Paris and other destinations were available, it's just that now people can fly to Tbilisi [from Moscow] and fly further. Or, for example, spend a few days in Tbilisi and fly to Paris, Vienna, various destinations. There are many flights from Tbilisi to Europe - Milan, Thessaloniki, Larnaca and so on. We have transit flights, as everywhere. Through Istanbul, for example, it's the same", noted Gaiaishvili.

From June 16, a flight to Thessaloniki from Tbilisi will open, it will be possible to book a Moscow - Tbilisi - Thessaloniki ticket. And on the Georgian Airways website, tickets from Moscow to various European countries are already on sale. For example, a ticket for the Moscow - Tbilisi - Paris flight with a one-hour layover in Tbilisi will cost 820 dollars. From May 28, tickets to Vienna will also be available with a one-hour layover.

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