"Skynet in the Age of Cyberbank". A book co-authored by a human and AI has been released in Russia

ChatGPT played the role of AI

Anton Platunov and Andrei Glebov released a book "Skynet in the Age of Cyberbank. Theory of Supermind and Challenges to Humanity in the 21st Century". Its special feature is that the work is co-authored with a generative AI - ChatGPT. It's noted in the press release that the AI generated dialogues and monologues, adding details and ideas for plot development.

The book has two plot lines. In the first, the future is presented from the point of view of AI. The second discusses adaptation to "the pace of technological change, potential impacts of AI and automation, as well as ethical dilemmas associated with creating intelligent machines". The novel is already available in the LitRes library.

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