VTB launched cross-border transfers to Tajikistan by phone number

Crediting to the recipient's card in Tajikistan is instant

VTB Bank reported the expansion of the cross-border transfers service via phone number to friendly countries: Tajikistan has now been added to such countries.

As noted in VTB, the transfer is made from the rouble account of the individual client, opened in VTB, to a card or account in Tajikistan, the money is credited instantly in the recipient's currency. The conversion into the national currency of Tajikistan is calculated at the time of the transfer, before confirming the transfer the client will see the credited amount and the size of the taken commission.

The bank specifies: the maximum transfer amount is 50 thousand rubles per day, 300 thousand rubles per month. The commission is 0.5% of the transfer amount. The service is available in VTB Online for Android devices and in Internet banking.

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