The head of AvtoVAZ sees prerequisites for reducing the cost of Lada cars, but for now, the products of the Volga Automobile Plant are getting more expensive

From May 1, AvtoVAZ has raised prices by an average of 2%

President of AvtoVAZ Maxim Sokolov in an interview with RBC talked about two directions for reducing retail prices.

Photo: AvtoVAZ

The first is to increase the localization level of Chinese cars, which AvtoVAZ will produce at its sites. Thanks to high localization, AvtoVAZ will be able to get a scrappage fee compensation, and, in fact, it will be possible to reduce the car costs by this amount - eventually, the cars produced at AvtoVAZ will become cheaper than similar models but imported from China.

The second path is to work with dealers and strict price regulation. AvtoVAZ intends to set maximum permissible resale prices for official dealers from May. If sellers still overprice, the factory will use its economic levers up to the termination of the dealer contract.

But while all this is just theory, this is what is happening in practice: from May 1, AvtoVAZ has increased the cost of cars of the Granta and Niva Travel lines by about 2%.

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