A joint study conducted by analysts of "AvtoStat" and "Discovery Auto" showed that in March, Russians spent 184.9 billion rubles on the purchase of new cars - much more than in February (by 28.1%) of the current year, but less (by 11.6%) than in March 2022.

Analysts note that a total of 69.9 thousand new passenger cars were sold in March - 24.5% more than in February, 2023 but 11.4% less than in March 2022. Most of the money was spent on the purchase of cars of Chinese brands: for the first time, "Chinese" brands became the leaders of the Russian market in terms of sales volume for the month. In second place are "Europeans", and in third are Russian brands. It is also noted that about 80% of the money spent was on crossovers and SUVs.

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