The TelecomDaily resource conducted a study and found that over five years - from 2018 to 2023 - in Russia, the rate for the SMS notification service about purchases made on average increased by 53.7%. But different credit organizations approach price formation differently. "Tinkoff", for example, did not change the cost of the tariff during this time, while the cost of the service in the "Russia" bank during this time increased by 230%.

In five years, the SMS notification tariff at "Sberbank" and "Rosselhozbank" has gone up by 17%, at "MTS Bank" - by 18%, at "St. Petersburg" Bank - by 29%, at "Gazprombank" and "Opening" - by 68%, at "Rosbank" - by 116%.

Interestingly, "Raiffeisen" did not change the cost of the tariff from 2018 to the beginning of the second quarter of 2023, but has already announced that the cost will increase by 232% from May 1, from 60 rubles to 199 rubles. Taking this into account, the average increase in the cost of the tariff will already be not 53.7%, but 67.3%.

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