Failed to replace iPhone: only 905 Russian smartphones AYYA T1 were sold in 1.5 years.

Huge discounts are not helping

Domestic smartphones AYYA T1 from "Smart ecosystem", a division of Rostec, failed to gain popularity among consumers.

According to "Vedomosti", the demand for smartphones AYYA T1 was extremely low. The devices were available at retail since October 2021, but only 905 units were sold in one and a half years.

Two independent sources associated with different retail chains confirmed this information to "Vedomosti". During the specified period, approximately 5000 smartphones were imported into Russia, which means that actual sales made up approximately 18% of the total supply volume from the Chinese factory where the smartphones were assembled.

Even discounts are not able to boost sales. Initially, the smartphone cost 19,000 rubles, but now it can be purchased on Ozon for 12,000 rubles, on "Yandex Market" - for 13,420 rubles, and in "M.Video – Eldorado" - just for 7,499 rubles.

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